Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Volvo rechargeable diesel hybrid greener than green

We first saw a Volvo concept car hybrid rechargeable Frankfurt Motor Show in 2007 (against this), it was constructed on the basis of a model C30. Far removed from the car series, the C30 Recharge Concept prototype Efficiency had 4 motors in the wheels, and it was a series hybrid, where the combustion engine has no mechanical connection with the drive wheels. It only serves to cause a generator, which is probably the architecture of the future, but as it stands, the concept seemed very avant-garde. We had not given him little chance to lead to a series model.

General Motors will be the first manufacturer to mass produce a hybrid car series rechargeable, it will be the Chevrolet Volt in 18 months, but it will not have motor-wheels. The Volt is bold enough ... After this bold attempt, Volvo has returned to a simpler architecture for its new prototype. The C30 Recharge Concept Efficiency will be at least allowed the Volvo engineers to become familiar with electric traction, with style (shown below), since in addition to the engine-wheels or yellow button, the C30 had his prototype generator painted green apple.

The new prototype is much more reasonable, more easily manufactured. It is also sensible because based on the Volvo V70. Because the increased costs of rechargeable hybrid technology will be high, and it will be within reach of the customer of a V70 than a C30. The objective is to market a hybrid rechargeable 2012. The car would be based on a front and a small electric motor would be back in a central position in the transmission tunnel (with the battery housed under the floor of the boot), without connection with the front wheels. It just assumes the presence of an electronic control system of the path to associate the 2 engines.

The car will be at either a front-wheel drive diesel or electric propulsion, or a hybrid 4-wheel drive, and where the Swedes are away is that they also thought of an environmentally friendly production of energy. The diesel engine of the future will be hybrid Volvo ultra clean, but in addition, it will be designed to accept biodiesel synthetic products in renewable electricity as charge the batteries. Indeed Volvo has teamed up with Vattenfall, a producer of electricity supply of green electricity for the project. This means that in all situations, sustainable mobility will be possible thanks to Volvo. The autonomy in electric mode was fixed at 50 km, to be followed in 2012.

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